Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I am seated in front of the library staring across the lake, looking. I watch the trees, the people and the water's surface. I love to look at the trees, they are my favorite. In my town, we have many pine trees and spruces. Here the trees are large, leafy and very green. Much different than what I am used to. I wonder how old these trees are? They seem ancient judging by the thick trunks and large, expansive branches. I wonder what type of day it was when they were planted? Was it as warm as it is now? Were the campus building even here?

Nevertheless, I guess this is supposed to be a scientific observation, already I am deviating. It's officially fall now, the leaves have started to drop. In a few weeks they will turn, just before dying. This much I know. But what created this process, of leaves, of the budding, the growth, the turning of colors and then dying, falling? Was this something the trees have always participated in? Is it a mutation, from thousands of years ago? Did one tree suddenly drop its leaves in the winter and have a higher rate of survival, therefore producing more trees with this same trait? I would not know for sure, but I can wonder.

I notice each tree has its place. Almost like a territory set out around it. No other trees dare to grow in this area. Is this because of competition for water and nutrients? Or, more artificial, like the landscaping crew for campus. Although the answer is probably the latter, I enjoy the thought of these trees engaging in some sort of unseen fight for survival. In an actual forest maybe they would, but not here. Here these trees are babied, cared for, weeded around and watered if needed. But then, does that make them weaker than the rest of the trees in the world? The trees around the University campus are more or less protected from natural selection. If they show signs of despair the landscapers take over and protect it. In the wild, this same tree would probably die. I can connect this curiosity back to what Darwin said about humans, how we care for our weak and thus weaken the species. Mmmm...all that just by observing.

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