Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Middle Class Stuck in the Middle

I thought it was interesting what Professor Dolson was saying her her blog about President Ayer's speech on financial aid at UR> CoreCownexions: Marx and Property and UR. It's true. The Middle class is really squeezed by our society. We want to help the poor and all those who are less fortunate, and we dedicate a lot of money to do that. Though, there are people who are living comfortable lives who still need help because prices are so high. These are the middle class and college tuition is a great example. The University of Richmond is an extremely expensive school that also has a lot of money to burn. I know a lot of scholarships are given out and many kids do not pay the full tuition price, but there are some who are forgotten. Mainly those qualified, but not stellar, students who are on the edge for being eligible for financial support, but do not quite make the requirements. I am one of those kids. A member of the forgotten middle class. I know, I have to pay for a good portion of my education and it's hard, especially here. But there are also kids worse off than me. It's hard to find this middle ground. To make sure there is enough for everyone. That type of equality of all classes is one of the main arguments in favor of Communism, and what Marx is really pushing for.

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