Sunday, December 2, 2007

I Take it Back...

In an earlier post I compared Lily to Lizzy Bennett from Pride and Prejudice, and now I would like to retract that statement after further reading into the development of Lily as a character. Lily is not like Lizzy at all I can see. Perhaps it was just the Victorian theme that made me think of them together, but I think Lily has evolved. She cares so much about money and has become so desperate that she is starting to break down. She is finally realizing how much she has alienated people for the want of money and social respect. The ironic thing is that she has sacrificed so much climbing the social ladder that people have taken notice and therefore have lost respect for her in her sort of wild desperation. Lizzy Bennett saw this part of society as ridiculous and tried to distance herself from it, she was never one to worry about financial security and in fact thought the opposite, especially when considering marriage. I think that Lily would like to do things for herself and marry for love not money and such, but she has become too dependent on her extravagant lifestyle that she can't imagine anything else.

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