Thursday, January 17, 2008

Casual Education

Reading about the Augustine Confessions I found it interesting when he was talking about forced learning in a formal environment vs. free learning in a casual environment . Learning is so much more fun when it's on your own terms and it's stress-free. It's funny because i get so annoyed with all of the books i read for school, but then when there's a break, i often spend my time reading books i have chosen for myself. They may not be as formally educational as the one's i am assigned in class, but it's still reading, it's still stimulating my mind and i learn a little something from every book i read. when educational activities are presented to students in class or in school, those students already have it in their minds that the activities are work or strictly for the sake of learning. nobody expects schoolwork to be fun. however, depending on our personal preferences we may partake in the same activities on our own free time, with an open deadline and flexible schedule. for example: completing the reading for a history class maybe viewed as less than enjoyable but reading a long historical novel on a sunday afternoon can be a quite pleasant, relaxing experience.

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