Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Two Hands and Two Feet

I found it extremely humbling when Gandhi talks about the limits of man, "...man is so made by nature as to require him to restrict his movements as far as his hands and feet will take him" (25). It's interesting to think about, man started with only two legs with two feet and two arms with two hands. The rest of our existence has been built up around us by these physical traits combined with willpower and brainpower. These were the limits of man's "locomotive ambition" (26) as Gandhi puts it and man has been working ever since to override it. Since our creation man has built a society to live in, civilization has taken over. He has built with his hands and feet, buildings, highways, technology as well as the ideas of God, nationality and morality. None of these "inventions," I shall call them, existed before man existed and he created them.

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