Friday, September 7, 2007

Plato 1: Who is the Teacher?

Euthyphro and Socrates make up the two characters in the story/commentary by Plato titled: "The Trial and Death of Socrates." However, during my reading and through the discussion in class I still cannot place who the teacher is and who the student is in the text. At first Euthyphro portrays himself as the teacher when he explains concepts to Socrates and Socrates announces "It is indeed most important, my admirable Euthyphro, that I should become your pupil" (5). Socrates also asks Euthyphro all the questions about the logic and relationships between fear and shame, piety and justice, etc. It seems at a first look that Socrates is the interested one and the one motivated to learn, not to educate. Socrates comes off as confident and at times it seems as though Euthyphro is mocking him with one word answers. It is like Euthyphro is only agreeing with Socrates to humor him, stopping every once and a while to point out a break in Socrates's logic or an area which needs further investigation.

"Socrates: ...Come, try and show me a clear sign that all the gods definitely believe this action to be right...
Euthyphro: This is perhaps no light task, Socrates, though I could show you very clearly" (10)

Here Socrates tries to assert his intelligence over Euthyphro by daring him to prove his point. But, Euthyphro challenges back that he could indeed show Socrates, and show him very quickly if only he had the time and place.

But a second look displays how Euthyphro could be the student as well and Socrates could be the teacher. It could be that Socrates is in fact mocking Euthyphro by setting him up with simple logical arguments, to which Euthyphro agrees, before shooting him down with something more complex though similar enough to the previous that it should also be agreed upon. Socrates, in a sense, is the mighty prosecutor cross-examining Euthyphro. So, it is possible that the roles are opposite.

1 comment:

Elliott said...

haha yeah so true (fight club/white castle). But yeah, I never really thought about Euthyphro being the mocking/sarcastic one but that's a good point.